

Photography (Index part)

월간 생활 도구
Published by Gcolon Book


vol. 23 100 Photographers 100 Photos
Published by Vostok Press
Project manage∙Pre-press
검은 바람 Black Wind
Published by Datz Press
Artist: 이갑철 Gap Chul Lee
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage∙Pre-press

Heaven, Wind, Stars and Poems
Published by Datz Press
Artist: Barbara Bosworth
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage

Still Life
Published by Datz Press
Artist: 이윤진 Yoonjean Lee
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage
Published by Datz Press
Artist: Wayne Levin
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage∙Book design

Temple walls, Japan
Published by Datz Press
Artist: Ryuten Paul Rosenblum
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage∙Pre-press
별 헤는 밤 The Starry Night
Published by Datz Press
Artist: 배종헌 Jong Heon Bae
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage∙Pre-press

말이 없는 사람 A man without words
Published by Datz Press
Artist: 양정욱 Jung Uk Yang
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage

Published by Datz Press
Artist: Barbara Bosworth
cover image ©Datz Press

Project manage

Island, Jeju
Published by Datz Press
Artist: Wayne Levin
cover image ©Datz Press

Photographs © Jeongin Kim All rights Reserved.